Sunday, September 22, 2013

Barley Salad

So after hearing about how rice has arsenic in it and wheat is GMO, I decided to look into some other possible products. So one possible replacement was barley. There was a recipe on the package for a salad. But I forgot half the ingredients and found that most salad dressing has soy oil (even the olive oil kind) So.... I came up with my own recipe and it's so good. I don't know why people aren't scarfing this stuff up left and right. Turns out barley is supper healthy for you and not just cause it's found in beer. Super good for the stomach and digestion. And it was inexpensive.
3cups cooked barley
1/4 cup feta cheese (the kind with seasoning)
about 10 sliced Greek olives
2 green onions, snipped
smidge regular onion
1/4 green bell pepper
Mix all this together and then add dressing just before serving.
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
celery seed
sea salt
black pepper
Mix dressing to taste. Then add to salad just before serving. The original recipe had radish in it I could see how that would be good. It called for 8 to 10 and I really don't like radish. 

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