Here is a great recipe I came across while reading a family members journal. I changed it a little to make it easier and it came out wonderful.
So as the story in the journal went; they were down to the last of the pork and it was up to the voodoo princes to come up with a hearty dish that would fill the guts of all on the ship. She decided to make a stew but being low on vegetables... it ended up being eaten with the last of the bread.
And belly's stayed full for two nights.
So my version.... follows.
Florida Crock Pot Pork
3 lbs of pork butt or shoulder (originally this was for 16lbs of pork. What ever pork you have on hand should work but you may have to add lard to drier cuts)
1 can of ro-tel (or use tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers)
1cup of fresh squeezed Florida OJ ( ok I used fresh bottled OJ)
1/4 medium onion
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of cumin
1tsp oregano
1tsp oregano
6 cloves of crushed garlic (the recipe called for an ungodly amount)
1/4cup of brown sugar
1tsp black pepper
1tsp sea salt
In a frying pan add lard or bacon grease. Enough to coat the pan but that's it. Shred up pork into the sauce in the crock pot. Pull some out and fry it in the pan. Flip it over and fry both sides. Serve on buns or bread.
The recipe called for cayenne pepper as well but I'm not a big lover of spicy so I left that out. If you like the heat, go for it. And you can add what ever spicy peppers as well while frying. Such as jalapeno or habanero. We put bar-b-q sauce on top after it was fried, served it on potato buns and it was good.
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